Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Date night

My hubby and I had a date night this past weekend (with Malachi too) and we went and saw Fireproof...OMGosh such a awesome Movie... you have to go see it and take friends... I think I cried 5 or 6 times which is normal but Edward Cried too!!!!! which means it was a double whammy...lol he never cries at movies but said this one is worth crying over then 10 min later I asked him what parts made him cry and he said he just had something in his eye...WHATEVER! lol

Do you and your Hubby have date nights? how often?
Are you a cry baby when it comes to movies?
If you caught your hubby cring would he try and play it off like he wasnt or admit he was crying?


1 comment:

Shionge said...

This is wonderful to go on a date with your hubby and I'll check out this movie.

We don't date so often anymore but more with our daughters.

Thank you for the well wishes Renee :D