Sunday, November 16, 2008


What a beautiful day!
November 16th 2009.... Malachi was dedicated this morning by Pastor Tommy Carpenter! What a blessing he truly blessed us! He gave me a dozen red roses and said that a mothers love is as sweet as a bundle of red roses and the red representing the blood of Jesus who is the whole reason we have this miracle child! And also gave us a baby blue bible for Malachi with his name on it....
This was such a honor, I cried because like the bible says for this child I have prayed! And I can honestly say that before he was even concieved he was loved and wanted and prayed for!! I am just so blessed to have him and everyday is a reminder of how amazing Gods love is to us!

We decided long before he was in our lives that we will raise our children to love and serve God with all there hearts! and I am so honored to be able to do that! being Malachis mom is the most amazing privilage God has given me!

I love you Baby!

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Janelle said...

oh happy i am that you got to have a day like this! :) that God filled your heart with peace & gave you a beautiful little boy. He IS faithful! love ya!

Shionge said...

This is so sweet Renee and indeed motherhood brings in different joy to our lives...happy parenting my dear friend :)