Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Blessing


My baby 16 weeks old! He is getting so big!
When you were a kid did you have pumpkin patches that you went to pick out your pumpkins? I was so excited to take Malachi to a pumpkin Patch so I could take some pics of him and well come to find out there arent any pumpkin patches in Louisiana or Arkansas...what the Heck! My hubby said we go to walmart to get pumpkins.... so sad! So I drove around town and found a house that had this little fall display and knocked on the door and asked if she minded if I took my son pic by her scarecrow...she was so excited I asked her and let me kept saying she was so glad she put that out there even if it was just for me! I was so blessed! Plus she is a christian Lady with a small child in her 30's which is few and far between in my small town of 1200 people and 1000 of them I am sure are over ... so I made me a friend in this hunt for a good pic! then I was so excited since Malachi doesnt sit up yet the scarecrow had a perfect lap and arm set up so he fit right in there perfectly! Praise God! see he even cares about the little things like a silly picture but it was a desire of my heart to have it so he made a way! God is so good! Hope you enjoy! Have a blessed day!

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